Getting started with Solang

Getting Started with Solang #

Welcome to this beginner’s guide on getting started with Solang! Solang is a Solidity Compiler that allows you to write Solana programs - referred to in other blockchains as 'smart contracts' - using the Solidity programming language.

If you’re an EVM developer that’s interested in leveraging the high speed and low fees of the Solana network, then Solang is the perfect tool for you. With Solang, you can leverage your existing knowledge of Solidity to start building on Solana!

Installation #

In this section, we'll help you set up your development environment for Solang. Just follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Check Your Prerequisites: Before diving in, ensure that you have Rust and Node.js installed on your system. Windows users will also need to have Windows Subsystem for Linux set up.

  2. Solana Tool Suite Installation: Begin by installing the Solana Tool Suite, which includes the Solana Command Line Interface (CLI) and the latest version of Solang.

  3. Anchor Framework Installation: Next, install the Anchor Framework. Anchor is a widely used framework in the Solana ecosystem and simplifies the process of building Solana programs. With version 0.28, you can start building with Solang directly through Anchor.

    As of the time of this writing, please install Anchor using the following command for compatibility with Solang version 0.3.1:

    cargo install --git anchor-cli --locked --force
  4. Solang Extension for VSCode: If you're a Visual Studio Code (VSCode) user, it's recommended to install the Solang extension to assist with syntax highlighting. Remember to disable any active Solidity extensions to ensure that the Solang extension works correctly.

Creating a new project #

Once you’ve installed the Solana CLI and Anchor, you can create a new project with the following command:

anchor init project_name --solidity

This command generates a new project with a basic Solang on-chain program (equivalent to a smart contract on EVM) and a test file that demonstrate how to interact with the program from the client.

On-chain program Overview #

Next, let’s go over the starter code beginning with the on-chain program itself. Within your project's ./solidity directory, you’ll find the following contract below, which includes:

  • A constructor to initialize a state variable
  • A print function to print messages to the program logs
  • A flip function to update the state variable
  • A get function to return the current value of the state variable
contract starter {
    bool private value = true;
    constructor(address payer) {
        print("Hello, World!");
    /// A message that can be called on instantiated contracts.
    /// This one flips the value of the stored `bool` from `true`
    /// to `false` and vice versa.
    function flip() public {
            value = !value;
    /// Simply returns the current value of our `bool`.
    function get() public view returns (bool) {
            return value;

Important Differences #

Compared to an EVM smart contract, there are two important differences you might notice:

  1. The @program_id annotation:

    On Solana, smart contracts are referred to as “programs”. The @program_id annotation is used to specify the on-chain address of the program.

@program_id("F1ipperKF9EfD821ZbbYjS319LXYiBmjhzkkf5a26rC") // on-chain program address
  1. The @payer annotation:

    When storing data on-chain, a certain amount of SOL needs to be allocated to cover the storage costs. The @payer annotation specifies the user that will pay the SOL required to create the account for storing the state variable.

@payer(payer) // payer for the "data account"
constructor(address payer) {
    print("Hello, World!");

Storing of state data #

An important distinction between EVM smart contracts and Solana programs is how each stores "state" variables/data:

  • EVM smart contracts can directly store state variables.
  • Solana onchain programs, on the other hand, create separate accounts to hold state data. These are often referred to as "data accounts" and are "owned" by a program.

In this example, when the contract is deployed, it is deployed to the address specified in @program_id. When the constructor is called after the program is deployed, a separate account with its own address is created to store the state variable, instead of being stored within the contract itself.

This may sound a bit different than what you’re used to, but don't worry! Let’s go over the test file to shed more light on this concept.

Test File Overview #

The starter test file can be found in the ./tests directory. This file provides an example of how to interact with the program from the client.

Anchor sets up the provider and program to help us connect to the contract from the client. This is done using an IDL file which lays out the program's public interface, similar to the ABI files used in EVM smart contracts. If you run anchor build, the IDL file is generated and can be found at ./target/idl.

import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor"
import { Program } from "@coral-xyz/anchor"
import { Starter } from "../target/types/starter"
describe("starter", () => {
  // Configure the client to use the local cluster.
  const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env()
  const dataAccount = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate()
  const wallet = provider.wallet
  const program = anchor.workspace.Starter as Program<Starter>
  it("Is initialized!", async () => {
    // Add your test here.
    const tx = await program.methods
      .accounts({ dataAccount: dataAccount.publicKey })
    console.log("Your transaction signature", tx)
    const val1 = await program.methods
      .accounts({ dataAccount: dataAccount.publicKey })
    console.log("state", val1)
    await program.methods
      .accounts({ dataAccount: dataAccount.publicKey })
    const val2 = await program.methods
      .accounts({ dataAccount: dataAccount.publicKey })
    console.log("state", val2)

In the test file, we first generate a new Keypair which will be used to create the “data account” that stores the contract’s state.

const dataAccount = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();

Next, we use the new instruction to create a new data account. This instruction corresponds with the contract's constructor. The newly created data account will be initialized to store the state variable defined in the contract.

Here, the payer is specified as wallet.publicKey, and the address of the dataAccount that we plan to create is provided. The generated dataAccount Keypair is included as an additional signer on the transaction, as it's being used to create a new account. Essentially, this verifies that we hold the secret key corresponding to the address of the new account we're creating.

// Client
const tx = await program.methods
  .accounts({ dataAccount: dataAccount.publicKey })
// on-chain program
constructor(address payer) {
    print("Hello, World!");

The contract's get function is then invoked to fetch the value stored in the specified dataAccount.

// Client
const val1 = await program.methods
  .accounts({ dataAccount: dataAccount.publicKey })
// on-chain program
function get() public view returns (bool) {
        return value;

Next, the contract’s flip function is used to modify the state of the specified dataAccount.

// Client
await program.methods
  .accounts({ dataAccount: dataAccount.publicKey })
// on-chain program
function flip() public {
        value = !value;

To run the test, use the anchor test command in the terminal.

The anchor test command performs the following tasks:

  • Start a local Solana validator
  • Build and deploy your on-chain program to the local validator
  • Run the test file

The following output should then be displayed in the console:

Your transaction signature 2x7jh3yka9LU6ZeJLUZNNDJSzq6vdUAXk3mUKuP1MYwr6ArYMHDGw6i15jJnMtnC7BP7zKactStHhTekjq2vh6hP
state true
state false
    ✔ Is initialized! (782ms)

You can then inspect the program logs in ./.anchor/program-logs where you'll find the "Hello, World!" message:

Program F1ipperKF9EfD821ZbbYjS319LXYiBmjhzkkf5a26rC invoke [1]
Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [2]
Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 success
Program log: Hello, World!

Congratulations! You've successfully built your first Solana program with Solang! While there might be differences compared to what you're accustomed to with standard Solidity smart contracts, Solang provides an excellent bridge to help leverage your existing Solidity skills and experience to build on Solana.

Next Steps #

Interested in diving deeper? Check out the solana-developers/program-examples repository. You'll find Solang implementations for common Solana use cases in the basics and tokens sections.

If you have question feel free to post them on Solana Stack exchange. If you have questions for the Solang maintainers directly, you reach out to them directly in the Hyperledger Foundation discord.

Have fun building!